Training introduction page.

Union learning representatives

Description A Moodle/Totara course involving around 30 hours of learner commitment over several months. This was aimed at union learning reps (ULRs) based in workplaces all over the UK. The aim was to help them promote learning opportunities within their workplaces, and help members develop their skills. The course featured around 50 self-paced study modules, but I combined these with …

Opening to e-learning on antisemitism.

Talking about antisemitism

Description A short guide aimed at helping union reps and activists recognise antisemitic  language, behaviours, and tropes increasingly being spread online, sometimes unwittingly. My role I worked with a number of senior policy officers at the TUC as well as external advisers and stakeholders from anti-racism organisations, Jewish bodies, and academia. I captured the learning needs and designed the training according …